I have a slight obsession with flowers. Honestly, there is nothing better than a house full of fresh blooms. Lately, I’ve been looking for every way possible to include flowers in every part of my life. Whether it’s flowers in my hair, on my clothes, in my food, or like my recent post – floral inspired beauty products, I’m all in. Of course, since I’m lacking the moderation gene, I tend to take my obsessions to the extreme. I love going the extra mile and adding unexpected touches that wow. In this case, we’re talking floral ice cubes.

For example, imaging walking into an event and seeing drinks chilling in a bucket filled with floral ice cubes? Or even better, being handed a cocktail or mocktail filled with these little frozen flowering beauties? I love it when something so simple and easy to make adds such a great “wow factor”.

The most important step in making these floral ice cubes is that you have to use boiled or distilled water. By boiling the water or using distilled water, the ice cubes become clear. If you don’t, they will remain cloudy, like regular old ice cubes. I’m not a chemist, so I’m not going to go into a crazy complicated scientific explanation, because I don’t have one. So, you’ll just have to trust me.

Whatever you do, DON’T just pour the boiling water into the ice cube tray over your flowers. It will drain all of the color out of your flowers. Learn from the mistakes of others. (Not me, of course, because I am perfect. JK. I totally did this.) You are welcome. I also had a lot more luck with distilled water than boiled water. And at less than $1 a gallon, the distilled water was a lot less hassle too.

Also, I learned larger flowers are easier to work with than smaller flowers. Smaller flowers like lilacs work better when kept in bunches than they do when using the individual tiny flowers. Spray roses or any other generally “smaller” buds work well too.

Conventional Ice Cube Tray

First, fill your tray with a bit of water, place your flower(s) in the tray where you want it, and then freeze. Go back later and add more water. At that point, you can either fill the rest of the space with water, or suspend additional flowers. If you just put your flowers into full ice cube trays, they will all float and migrate wherever they want. They won’t stay and be pretty just where you want them. Adding additional flowers (or building the cubes in layers in general) can make this project a bit more time consuming. Luckily, each step doesn’t take very long and you can do other things while your floral ice cubes freeze.

Ice Cube Tray With A Lid

Ok, I have to admit, I had a lot of trouble making these floral ice cubes the first few tries. However, I came across this ice cube tray on Amazon that has a silicone lid! Let me tell you, it was a total game changer. I placed my flowers in the tray, poured in distilled water, and sealed the tray row by row before popping it into the freezer. Oh my goodness it was easy. I highly recommend this version and ice cube tray.

Some of the flowers I recommend using are spray roses, lilacs, chamomile, lavender, and pansies. Whichever flowers you pick, make sure they are not poisonous and have not been treated with chemicals.

Of course, if you’re concerned about using the wrong kinds of flowers in your floral ice cubes, you can always use artificial flowers from your local craft store!


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