The secret to success always lies in the planning. Throughout history, battles have been won or lost based on planning. As the saying goes – fail to plan, plan to fail. So let’s talk about the most important thing you’ll plan all year… Your Black Friday shopping, of course!

Black Friday is one of my all time favorite days of the year. I always try to see how much of my Christmas shopping I can do in that one day. It’s like a personal challenge. But I have a secret. I’ve never actually shopped in-store on Black Friday. I do all of my shopping online. No lines, no people, and most importantly, I don’t have to change out of my pajamas!

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Why is it so important to plan if you are shopping online? Because you still want to be organized! You still want to make sure to get the best deals and everything on your list. And if you’re anything like me, you get lost quite easily in the rabbit hole that is the internet. But with a couple lists and a little research, you’ll be ready for the best Black Friday shopping experience ever!

Now grab a pen and paper, make a cup of coffee, put your hair up in a messy bun, and let’s go! First up, make a wish list of all of the things you want to buy. Of course this list could contain presents for yourself, or presents on your gifting list. (If you haven’t made a list of people you need to buy for yet, that should probably be your first step.) Next, make a list of stores at which you love to shop or might have things on your list. Third step – start looking through the Black Friday ads. Target has already released their ad and Victoria’s Secret usually drops some hints on their big sales leading up to the event. Of course you can always wait until Thanksgiving to check out the print ads.

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Once you have your list of stores and your wish list of items, you have to decide your shopping order. Which of your items will sell out first? Some doorbuster items are only available during certain hours. Other gifts with purchase may sell out quickly. Which items are priority? Finally, the last thing I do is check and see when sales start at each store. Victoria’s Secret usually sends out an email to their subscribers with early access the night before. I think one year Target even started at like 5pm on Thanksgiving online.

Alright. Now we have our store list, our shopping list, and our shopping order. What’s next? Shop till we drop, of course! I’ll be here Black Friday morning with a fresh cup of coffee and another messy bun ready for battle! What are your favorite Black Friday sales? Do you shop in-store or online?Comment below!


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