I finally have it! The holy grail of all lip products! Pat McGrath Lust 004. I have been searching for this lip kit for over a year. Unfortunately, it wasn’t on my radar during its initial launch, and it has been sold out ever since. But with a lot of patience, and a little bit of luck, this beauty is all mine! Pat McGrath is a genius. Her products are bold, edgy, and classic, all at the same time. Highly pigmented, rich, and vibrant, everything just feels luxurious. As it should at that price point.

I purchased Pat McGrath Lust 004 lipstick in Blood and its corresponding microfine glitter. Upon opening, the microfine glitter appeared to be very similar to MAC Cosmetics Glitter in Red. However, upon further review, the Lust 004 glitter has a bit more of a “holographic” or multi-dimensional sparkle to it. There are a lot more colors than just red reflected when light hits this glitter.

Overall, the concept is simple. First, you apply the lipstick. Then you apply the glitter. I’d say “no muss, no fuss”, but we all know that when glitter is involved, there’s always a bit of both muss and fuss.

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The lipstick was very easy to apply and extremely smooth. It didn’t pull or tug at all. Although, I was a little cautious because I know red lipstick isn’t usually forgiving to mistakes.

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Next up? Adding the glitter. This part was definitely the most intimidating. Surprisingly, it was super easy! Even more surprising? It was almost completely mess-free! I shook the container to get some glitter on top of the little filter thing, touched my finger to the glitter, and then tapped it onto my lips. Of course, I made sure to only put glitter where there was already lipstick, as I really didn’t want to deal with glitter fallout. I continued lightly tapping glitter onto my lips until all of the lipstick was covered.

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What a look! It’s definitely mesmerizing.

While tapping the glitter onto the lipstick, you have to make sure not to press your lips together until all of the lipstick has been covered. If you press your lips together too early, the lipstick will get onto the top layer of the glitter and will dull it quite a bit. The only thing that felt weird was that it did feel slightly heavier or thicker than regular lipstick. Also, make sure you don’t rub your lips together too much while wearing this Pat McGrath Lust 004 lipstick. This is definitely not a date night lipstick. 😉 However, it is perfect for a photo shoot or a really awesome statement moment.


For this review, I wore the lipstick for quite a few hours. I drank water and ate dinner. I even ate some chocolate. The things I do for you guys. 😉 A bit of lipstick and glitter did come off on my straw, and I was terrified to try to drink out of a water bottle with a regular lid. To my surprise, I didn’t have any issues with eating. I thought I would really notice the glitter and be really self conscious. But after a while, I completely forgot I was wearing it. Removal was nice and easy. All it took was a makeup wipe!

Overall, I love this look. It’s completely impractical, but so amazing.



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